Wisdom from above,which is divine wisdom,is above all other kinds of wisdom.We saw Daniel display it in his time.Daniel had understanding in all vision and dreams,better than all the magicians and all the surpassing wisdom we are talking about and that is the kind of wisdom that should operate through you,if you are child God.
Meditation is a vital platform for access to the wisdom from above.Joshua 1:8 bible says,''This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth;but thou shalt meditate there in day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,and then thou shalt have good success.''You cannot be stranded focusing on the word of God.So in any issue of your life,when you locate what the word says,and you begin to meditate on it,it will open you up on what to do to get solution.
It is the act of pondering through scriptures in search of answers to bugging question of life.It means turning scriptures over in your heart in search of answers to questions of life.
There is power in meditation.If your business is not working,after doing all you know to do,go to the word of God and ask the lord to show you what to do.As you meditate on the word,he will show you what to do.The answer is in the book but not in the surface.It's in the depth and only by meditation you you can unravel it.Are you challenged in your health go after the book,locate what God has said concerning your health,meditate on it and then you contact the light that will show you what to do.
Stop meditates on witches chasing you,that is why they are chasing you because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.All you have been thinking about are bad reports that is why you are establishing it.
What has God said contrary to the bad report?if you must enter into the blessing of God your mind must change Romans 12:1-2.Don't think the way the words is thinking,be transformed by the renewing of your mind.You may not taste of the blessing of God if you are meditating on junks.Meditation is a powerful tool for the manifestation of God's glory in our life
If you lack wisdom ask God and He will show you what to do.In areas of challenge,you can inquire from God and as you meditate on the word,your answers must come.
A heart for God is a covenant platform for fruitful meditation and not a heart for gold.Any heart that is always gunning after pleasing God cannot miss God.Nothing sets free like the truth and the word of God is the truth and as you meditate on the truth,it brings liberty.Everything we are crying for today is already package in redemption.Jesus already paid for them.bible says in colossians 1:12-13''Giving thanks unto the father,which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.
So whatsoever you are going through,Jesus already passed through it.Every provision of the kingdom is obtainable by faith,without your faith it will fail.Everyone that believed and partook of the passover,came out free.As you partake of the communion ,
1.Expect every rod of the wicked tormenting your life to be swallowed up in victory.
2.Every poison in your body to be neutralized
3.Expect full restoration of your health and vitality
Expectation is the mother of manifestation.
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