Nigerian Author And Hillary Clinton Concerning Changing her Twitter Handle

Hillary Clinton  changed her Twitter bio after  Ngozi Adichie questioned her, why  she chose to describing herself first as a "wife".
                                                                        sp;    The Nigerian author,  hosting the PEN World Voices Festival lecture at the Cooper Union in Manhattan on Sunday, April 22, 2018, asked Hillary clinton  why her Twitter bio describes her first as a Wife, mother, a grandmother, before other things.                                                                                                         The author said she was upset  and when she checked her husband, Bill Clinton's Twitter handle, she found out he described himself based on his achievements, not his marital status.
                                                                                  She reply by saying ,  When you put it like that, I’m going to change it."
Ngozi question to Hillary clinton created much concern online and offline. People had divided opinions about her question; some were in support, others felt she had no right to question Ms. Clinton's choice.                                                                     Chimamanda  wrote explaining what had transpired during that interview.
Well, as promised, Ms. Clinton has changed her Twitter bio 8 days after she promised she would.
Her Twitter bio now reads: "2016 Democratic Nominee, SecState, Senator, hair icon. Mom, Wife, Grandma x2, lawyer, advocate, fan of walks in the woods & standing up for our democracy."


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