General Overseer Defile Nine Years Old Girl

A General Overseer of a church in Shomolu area of Lagos, has been arrested for  defiling a nine-year-old girl.

The victim who alleged that the suspect had been having carnal knowledge of her since last year, said that the last act was done in the suspect wife’s shop located on Bakonle street.

The victim’s mother Peace Effiong, told policemen at Pedro division in Shomolu Shomolu division that she became suspicious after the primary school pupil began to behave unusual.

She stated that on April 13, 2018, while her daughter was sleeping, she observed substance suspected to be semen dripping from her daughter’s virginal.

Upon interrogation, her daughter according to her , revealed that the General Overseer, Pastor Udoh Okon had been having carnal knowledge of her.

 The suspect was arrested. During interrogation, the Lagos State Police Command , Imohimi who paraded the suspect before newsmen yesterday, said ” The child victim went further to revealed that it was in the Pastor’s wife’s shop at Bankole street, Famous Bus-stop, Shomolu, that she was defiled.

The suspect denied the allegation. However, medical examination conducted on the girl revealed that her hymen had been ruptured long ago, an indication that the suspect had been having carnal knowledge of her long before the discovery.

“With the foregoing, I hereby reiterate my call to parents to keep an eye on their children as the Command will not hesitate to arrest negligent parents and prosecute them in accordance with relevant sections of the law, particularly, section 247 and 249 of Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015” .

But the suspect denied culpability. He explained rather that: “ As I stepped out of my compound yesterday, I saw people gathered and decided to go and see what was happening.

I saw happiness( victim) kneeling down and carrying a brick in his hand. When I inquired what happened, her brother said someone told their mother that somebody in the compound had been sleeping with his sister.

I cautioned her mother not to beat her in public . Only for me to be roped into a matter I knew nothing of. She used to go on errand for me and usually carried my bag home anytime she saw me returning.

They only saw her taking empty bottles of soft drinks from my room outside . “Why would I sleep with a girl that is old enough to be my grand daughter? Her parents know those that are responsible . Before the living God that created this day, if I have ever slept with her may my life never see light.

They should have extracted my semen to see if it matched with that found in her virginal, that way the truth would have been established.

This woman( victim’s mother ) is conniving with my enemy to bring me down. I have been a Pastor for 30 years without any scandal . May my life be taken away if I did it.”

As he was being led away, he told some members of his congregation who visited the command when news of his arrested filtered round, to go an pray to God to vindicate him, even as he told them he never committed the act.


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